I want education without the homework.

Oh, the perils of being a student-author.

It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon today. The temperature is perfect for a foray out into the grass with nothing more than a novel notebook. I can feel my creativity flowing as my mind is perfectly awake for an endeavor.

But, alas, I am stuck inside my room doing homework!

And this is homework that will last me well into the night. Homework that will suck up my creativity (because I want a good grade) and tire my brain out so even if I have a little extra time for novel-ventures I will want to do nothing more than stare at streaming videos for a while.

Of course, I am well aware that those who work full-time face similar consequences. I was hoping this past summer that I would be able to work better on my novels, but instead I worked a lot and did not want to even turn on my laptop in the evenings. Go me.

So there is only one way to make this all better, I am assuming: that is to become a full-time author. I will magically make money appear so I can sleep in late and then do all my writing in the afternoon, followed by a splendid evening of food an other general debauchery.

OBVIOUSLY that will solve all my problems. =)