Exposure: When it’s totally legal.

Chances are you are reading this from any of three current sources, for now ā€œMusings of a Procrastinating Authorā€ is being broadcasted to three different channels. Two are WordPress related and one is a Livejournal account. I will provide all three links belowā€¦if you have an LJ account you can friend the LJ blog and get the updates loaded to your friend list every time I post somethingā€¦or you could just add the WordPress blog to your blogroll if you have an account there, or frequent the blog attached to my official siteā€¦itā€™s all up to you!

https://www.hildred-billings.com/blog <ā€”official site blog http://hbillings.wordpress.com <ā€”Wordpress blog, can be added to Blogrolls. http://hildred.livejournal.com <ā€”Livejournal blog, can be friended to your account. And nowā€¦for the real update. If youā€™ve been following this at all, you may notice that Iā€™ve been MIA for the past, oh, seven months. Truth is Iā€™ve been abroad in Japan since late winter, with very little internet access. The upside to this though is that I got a lot of writing done which makes me quite happy! Now Iā€™m back Stateside and itā€™s time to get back to my old wind and grind. Hmm. My writing schedule as of late seems to comprise of two sets of time: Nagnomei in the afternoon/evening when I am my most lucid, and CROSS// late at night when typos and incoherent plot holes are a-ok! Between these two times I pretty much just play Sims 3. And trust me, the next update will be about Sims 3. Because Iā€¦tend to recreate novels in the Sims? And I have no life. Both apply. Dang, does it feel good to be back!