27. Along similar lines, do appearances play a big role in your stories? Tell us about them, or if not, how you go about designing your characters.
I really don’t have a set way of “designing” my characters. They just kinda manifest themselves in the split second they’re created. Sometimes I have a “stock” in my head of a type of character I want to to have, and if the opportunity is presented I put them in. And some characters are redone from previous characters of other stories from when I was a child. I’ve noticed though that I really love non-brown eyes and blonde hair…even on non-fair skinned characters, haha. (What can I say, I love “color” outside brown and black.)
It’s pretty safe to say though that I make main characters that are attractive to me, simply because I want my creations to be aesthetically pleasing to me. That said, what I find attractive obviously doesn’t match everyone else’s, so I really don’t give a crap about such related Mary-Sue allegations, ha.