NaNoWriMo 2011, Day 2: You want a backrub? Lol no. Get back to writing.

Day #: 2

Words Written Today:
Total Words Written: 7035
Amount to 50k Goal: 42,975
Total # of Pages: 13.75
Total # of Gratuitous Sex Scenes: 1 (in total now!)
Drive: Tired

Today’s Hilarious Forum Topic: So how do you flirt with a girl? idk, why don’t you come ask me??

Blah. Well, I’m tired, what can I say? Even though I know what I want to write I’m still sitting here yawning because of my (once again!) whacked out sleep schedule. Tomorrow will be even worse as I have to get up early for a staff meeting in the morning. But that’s how it goes. Hoping to reach 9k by bedtime but I’ll be happy with 8k.

Nothing exciting has happened yet, if you don’t count the alluded-to sex. But there’s nothing omgyay! so I don’t really count it. 🙁 Actually, this whole installment doesn’t have anything graphic in it. Just lots and lots of tension and teasing. My goal is to have the reader throw their book at the wall when it”s over while screaming “WHY HAVEN’T THEY JUST DONE IT ALREADY MAN?!” Yessss. Yesss I am evil~