Day #: 3
Words Written Today: 1982
Total Words Written: 9017
Amount to 50k Goal: 40,983
Total # of Pages: Two lines onto 18.
Total # of Gratuitous Sex Scenes: 1
Drive: Frustrated
Today’s Hilarious Forum Topic: Funny Things Which Happened To You During Sex (NSFW OBVIOUSLY and no I didn’t add my own even though I have a pretty spectacular one. With my luck somebody I know is lurking there and my handle is my name trolololol.)
As you can see I did not meet my 10k goal for the third. (I barely made 9k! Seriously I hit it ten minutes before midnight). This is because I had to go to bed early last night for an ~early~ staff meeting today, and then afterwards I took a nap until it was time to go to work. Then I didn’t get back until 9:40 pm and had to cook dinner…well, you see~
Not too worried though. I’m at a pretty interesting part so I should be able to bam out another 1k tonight without much problem (and hopefully more). Right now everyone’s having a reunion with their ex-girlfriend (yes, singular) which is always Super Happy Funtimes.
I am getting a bit strained with my soundtrack music thus far this year. Been listening to a lot of Akina Nakamori and while she’s absolutely amazing, I made the mistake of listening to her latin-pop album first today and almost couldn’t concentrate over all the erratic (and horrible) beats. Oh dear.