NaNoWriMo 2011, Day 6: 20k feels more momentus than 25k does.

Day #: 6

Words Written Today:
Total Words Written: 19,188
Amount to 50k Goal: 30,812
Total # of Pages: 37
Total # of Gratuitous Sex Scenes: 🙁
Drive: Average

Today’s Hilarious Forum Topic: #Occupy Nano – A Brief Manifesto y hallo thar.

No Check-In this week, because I don’t need to do one! I’ve been checking in every damn day!

For some reason I get way more excited about breaking 20k words than I do 25k. Maybe it’s because 20 has that nice round 0 in it. 25 is half of 50 but it doesn’t seem as cool to pass. Then again I consider every increment of 10k as pretty damn celebratory this month since my goal is way beyond 50k. (I think I may be shooting for 75k this year, although I’m not holding myself to it. It will depend on how writing during my business trip this week goes.)

I’ve been thinking lately about how I’m going to be making money (with my writing, no less) come next spring when I leave my current day job and move back to America. One thing I’ve been thinking about is starting some Hubpages and focusing on affiliate marketing. Obviously that’s something that takes a while to build up so you’re actually making money that puts a dent in bills, so that’s why I’m thinking of starting next month when the Nano pressure is off. I’m probably going to start with music hubs, especially specific ones like Japanese artists. Basically, anything I’m pretty sure I know what the hell I am talking about. Woo!