Day #: 13
Words Written Today: 2985
Total Words Written: 37,019
Amount to 50k Goal: 12,981
Total # of Pages: 71Total # of Gratuitous Sex Scenes: Somebody thought about it…
Drive: Ready to punch all my characters and shitty writing tbh.
Today’s Hilarious Forum Topic: Grammer Complaint Because it’s important that, as authors, we inform other authors how much we’re technically better than them.
First of all, I just updated to the most recent Firefox and my eyes are all confused. And I’m still ignoring Scrivener although, now that I think about it, it’ll probably be a really great tool to use for writing my upcoming Hubpages starting next month.
Writing is coming along as usual. Back in full force today. Most of you I know are already done, so congrats to you!