NaNoWriMo 2011, Day 17: STUFF

Day #: 17
Words Written Today:
1988 (loooool)
Total Words Written: 45,010
Amount to 50k Goal: 4990
Total # of Pages: 86
Total # of Gratuitous Sex Scenes: killin’ myself here.
Drive: typetypetypetype.

Today’s Hilarious Forum Topic: [RESOLVED] Stats Page/Word Count Update Problem? [Updated 11.16.2011 9:22 PM EST] HEY YOU SEE THAT DEAD HORSE OVER THERE? YOU SHOULD BEAT IT.


I just wrote the most bizarre characterization scene I have ever writtten.

Characters that should not be crying are crying and characters that should not be putting out are putting out.

What’s going on with this manuscript. idek.