I feel like I got a lot accomplished this week, but in reality I don’t think I got much done at all. I think I feel as such because I opened up my programs a lot – and I got a lot of preparations done…and I was very productive in other, non-writing areas. But I didn’t get much actually accomplished.
I’m really trying to push myself to finish this chapter in Revenge, but even though it’s a scene I was looking forward to writing I feel like I’m forcing myself…which is never a good sign, so I’m taking it easy. I’ve also started my Hubpages project, and although not published yet it’s coming together great. I also bought a license for Scrivener today using my Nanowrimo promo code and am looking forward to using it.
So I did get a lot done. But I just don’t have much to show for it yet. Plus this Friday I’m going to America for Christmas so there are all those preparations as well. Next time I write this update I’ll be in my cozy log cabin in the Oregon woods with a big fluffy cat merfin’ about crap next to me.
But first I gotta make it through this week. I hope to have the first installment of my Hubpages finished before I leave and publish them by the end of the weekend. I also better have this chapter finished as well. Blah. I need more time in my day. Or more energy. It doesn’t help I do all my writing late at night before bed, so when I need to sleep…well, I gotta sleep.
Which is what I’m off to do now. Good night, Blogosphere!