Due to all the traveling (and full days of work) this week, very little writing or editing got done. I think I wrote a total of three lines last night, and that’s about it. Mostly caught up on my sleep now, and my regular schedule returns this next week, so I’m hoping to finish up this chapter I’m on now so I can get back to editing.
Some of you (okay, none of you) may remember my lamenting of probably never writing certain characters, in particular a cat named Sadie. Well, after getting The Sims 3 Pets expansion pack for Christmas, I decided that it was time to bring Sadie to life…in a computer game. I loaded her little fur-butt up, and, behold! She lives!
I gave her the attributes of “Genius”, “Quiet”, and “Friendly”. Three pretty safe features for a pet sim, but that’s how I start stuff out. I’ve only played the household for an hour after adding the cat, but I’m already loving all the little interactions that I may have to think more about actually adding her into the series somehow.
And that’s my week. First week of 2012 has been completely unproductive. Good thing I don’t make resolutions.