Hubpages Wednesday: CLICK HERE FOR CATS (and music)


In this very special edition of Hubpages Thursday Wednesday, I post pictures of cats that are NOT MY OWN. Scandalous. But not as scandalous as Maru the Cat

This week I’ve got two big hubs for you – both figuratively and literally, that is. Figuratively, have a gander at the internet sensation Maru the Cat: In Profile, and In Boxes. He is the only cat in the world I deem cuter than mine, and for good reason. Because he is Maru. And your life is null and void without his Youtube videos streaming in your life.

The second, literally big, article is Top 10 Japanese Pop (J-pop) Albums, in which I wax on and on about…the best J-pop albums. I like to think of myself as an expert in this sort of thing – so take my advice and listen to some great music! Please, Zwei needs more fans.

That’s it for this week. Join us next week when I continue to implore you to read my crap!