Well, are you shocked? =P
It’s been over a month since my last Hubpages Wednesday, and in that time I’ve written five more articles (two of them in the past two days with more on the waythis week!) It’s amazing how much work actually gets done when you just sit home all day sick out of your brain. But since five is too much to adequately go over here, I’ll break them up into two pieces over these next couple of days.
Part 1 has to do with J-pop. First up there’s A Brief History of Japanese Pop Music, a subject I’m pretty well versed in. Second are two Ayumi Hamasaki reviews, the first for her mini-album FIVE and the second for her full-length album Love songs. If you’re not sure about them, check out the commercials below!
I’ll be back tomorrow with the other two which are a part of the Living in Japan series, and some discussion about my earnings as of late, mostly to do with the latest Google Penguin hit. Ugh.