I am happy to report that not only am I almost done with the read through of CROSS//Rebirth (one more chapter then the epilogue!) but I’m also past the 20k mark on Camp Nano.Hooray! I’m managing to cram in 2k a day even with all the editing, blogging, and other BS. Thankfully as I end the draft of Rebirth the chapters are also getting shorter, allowing me to finish them faster. Small favors.
Otherwise, I’m on Goodreads now! Well, I’ve had an account for quite a few months now, but I’ve finally gotten it spruced up and most of my stuff sorted. Feel free to add me as a friend! You can find my profile here. I’ll add an author page as I get closer to publication.
Anyway, that’s it for today. It’s 11pm and I need to write 1k more words for Camp. Gotta stay on target, otherwise what do I have? Haha.