Hard to believe that one month ago today I released “DAISUKI.” unto the world. Since then I’ve experienced a month of ups and down, growing pains and learning curves. I wish I could tell you that I became a big money-maker overnight, but, ALAS, I have not. But I have no complaints so far. I am selling more, it seems, than most newbies with only one book out, and I am optimistic that once I get more books out there starting next month everything will work out!
I also wish I could share sales figures with you, but I don’t think I’m allowed to from various TOS. But I CAN break down my sales percentages based on sales venues! Currently I have DAISUKI available on Amazon, B&N, Kobo (only took three weeks UGH), All Romance, and Smashwords (inc. expanded distribution to Sony and iTunes.) As of right now at this moment, here’s how it’s breaking down:
Amazon – 80%
Barnes & Noble – 10%
Smashwords – 10%
All Romance + Kobo – Try again, loser.
My percentages seem to mirror most of my research: Amazon is a majority of the pie, and B&N comes up second with all the others vying for third. I’m rather disappointed in ARe since most other erotic romance authors told me they did very well there, but I have a feeling my niche (lesbianism. Yeah, it’s a niche.) is the main factor here. On a site inundated with MAN PECKS MAN PECKS MAN PECKS you get the idea….
I suppose I should share what’s coming up this we – OMG Nanowrimo. Ha. I’ve decided to go ahead and do the CROSS// universe grab bag. Finishing up book 3 of RR and then writing two shorts for it should push me over 50k. And if not, there’s always book 4 to start. BUSY BUSY~
Also, be sure to be here for BOOK 2 TITLE/COVER/BLURB REVEAL ON THURSDAY! It’s gonna be hot!